Thursday, January 22, 2009
!*&$@*(&() JUST LET ME RANT!!!!I feeling cranky today. THE WHOLE DAY. First I'm tired. As always. Come school, do work, my friends say something which I can't catch, they won't repeat. Ya I'm slow most of the time, but the thing is, its always some stupid noise covering what they said, and I can't hear. Next my sewing skills suddenly died on me. My sewing today SUCKS. Unpick and sew again and again. I'm happy with my other 3 garments, but the fourth one is just not right. Dunno if my bad mood is affecting the way I see my stuff.
Next, PHOTOSHOOT. Its giving me a headach. Its suppose to be fun and enjoyable. Because of time and money, we have to restrict to a lot of stuff, eg, location. We have to share photographer, and models. Not that I mind. Problem is my friends' models don't suit my style, and I really like one model but no one to share with. And the cost of one frigging model for one frigging whole day which is 9 frigging hours cost about SIX HUNDRED FRIGGING DOLLAR, and it is the cheapest cost from one modelling agency. Two hundred dollars for half a day, which cannot be completed with 4 of us having to shoot 3-4designs each.
So Rid and Alicia gave me a contact on one model who is 1.8m tall, and look Japanese type. Ya, I'm picky when comes to model. I wanted Asian, with fair skin and young look, to complement with my theme. So in came the model, the look is ok, fair skin, ya but I find her too thin. Thin models make me feel irritated. Also, the noise that they made when they see male models, its like they haven seen a guy before, screaming and oogling, saying that ''omg! he's soo cute!'' Quick! Hire this model. *roll eyes*
Many people turn on radio or music when doing their work. I just love the sewing room when it is quiet. No music or whatsoever. It makes me do my work happily and calmly. Once the radio is on, nightmare started. My ears are hurting, I can't really concentrate, and the worse thing is, the channel 987FM has no other music except for those 4 songs and they keep repeating the same old songs. I wanted to scream and use a hammer to smash the radio to bits.
Irene. I really dislike her. She asked her IMERS to ask us the ADs to draw 24 production drawings for them. Hmm my IMer didn't say that to me. Good thing. HELLO WOMAN! You think we so free to draw 24 drawings? We have 6 toiles, 6 garments, illustrations, our own 6 production drawings, inspiration & mood board + some other stuff for the runway to do.
My mood these days are going up and down, and times and times, I've been controlling my anger. Today I say something bad about fang's BF, cuz they were talking about the photoshoot so happily and discussing who to use for carefare, and the photoshoot thingy really irks me, so ya I said something mean to let off some of my steam. In fact I feel a bit better after saying something mean. Maybe because I'm a mean girl. Ya good for me.
All in all, I'm in no mood for CNY.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Domo~~~Music - Honey Vanity by Kozi
Ok. Went to Chinatown to buy fabrics yesterday. So many oba-san, oji-san around. 'Tch' If not for fabrics, I won't there. Anyway, I bought my first wig! Yay! Light-blond curls with bangs. Ya. Like dolls. I want it for the photoshoot if the model happens to have short hair, either that that, or their hair don't suit my outfit.
And I'm going to wear it for my gothic lolita outfit. Wakakakakaka! I wanted the long white one, but the owner said have to order it and the earliest you get it is during april. That sucks.
Recently, I ordered a black mary-jane shoes from taobao. A fellow singaporean is looking for 15 people to join in the taobao spree. The price is cheap, and various designs for you to choose, which you don't normally get in Singapore. Hope to get it soon....
Was searching for Mana's pics. I like his makeup and outfit coordination, and I found him in various looks.

Ok...this was like super long time ago??? And he look good without his goth makeup on, but don't like his eyebrows.

His so-called the famous look. Notice how high his shoes are? My guess that he is quite short. lols
ok, I'll stop here for today. I'm off to watch some anime.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Domo~~~I'm frigging happy today~~~
Be'coz I bought my black lipstick. AT LAST. Thanks to my cosuin Jie Ting who helped me find the info. Wohooo~~~ Thanks to Hwa who tells me that John Little at PS closed down, so need not waste my trip going there, and finally, thanks to Sisi who accompany me, show me the way, and helping me search for the brand.
Great help. XD
The brand, Splash is tucked away at a corner of the entrance of John Little. Its just a small section, and the name is not clearly written. But I still found it. HAHA! And, I found the white foundation that I've been looking for. Its not 2 or 3 shades lighter than our skin colour. Its really white. Like flour. But I didn't get to buy as I've run out of money. I've spent the most on my fabrics, and I'm dying to buy the black lipstick, which left only 3 sticks. But I will definitely buy the white foundation.
Hopefully I can get to use the black lipstick and white foundation on my models for the photoshoot, since 80% of the chances will not be use for the runway, as we need to share the models.
Anyway, Sisi was asking whether I would use the black lipstick for CNY, I don't mind, but I will get killed by my parents first, and my relatives will have the OMG! face. And I can picture myself walking down the street wearing my goth clothing, with my goth make up during CNY, and people will be siam-ing away from me, and saying: "da ji da li"
Oh wells, its still a conservative country (-_-"), so I'll most probably wear it the next...street fes?? Well, if time permits.
Next goal: long wig with bangs either ash-blond or white.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Domo~~~ Xiaowen desu~~~~~Its the 2nd day of 2009. I don't feel the new year. To me, its only the number at the back change. That's all. Yesterday, I spent the whole day at home slacking, watching 11 episodes of One Piece, finish the rest of the episodes of Vampire night, watched 2 episodes of Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae, and 1 episode of Gintama. To add on, play pet society and gaiaonline. Muahahahaha! No wonder Van Q told me I'm an Otaku. I really am.
I need my rest!!!!! I guess I have to wait until I graduate before I can have a good rest. *sign* Draft, sew, search & buy fabrics, consultation, critics, DEADLINES!! 'Tch!'
Oh, one more thing, I dunno is it because I'm always either at school or at home, now I find the crowd very irritating. On the eve of new year, I went to Bugis with my mother to buy some mushrooms and other stuff. Just when I was getting off the MRT, a woman wanted to board the trian. But she didn't wait until the passengers get off, then she push herself into the train, well of course, she just pushed me to the side. The problem on my other side is a person pushing a pram, and I tried to give way to the person, but the stupid woman won't give way. Well, I nearly shouted at her. Good thing I stopped myself. If it is Van Q, I think she'll give her a good scolding. HAHAHA!
Maybe because I lack of sleep and my patience has been running low. Oh well, who cares. I'm going off to watch 'Mind your language'