Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Domo~Went back to school to buy a book...hontou ni heavy..dotzzz..expensive too. Then went with Alina to hunt for job. We went to Takashimaya and Kinokuniya...lols ok desu..we applied for both and juz wait for interview. I wasn't in the mood to shop..cuz I'm having a headache*taku*. Anyway, even if I don't get the job, I wouldn't mind..feel like slacking at home*wahahaha*. I juz apply cuz my mother want me to...say to kill time, job exp..bla..bla...bla..dunno what's happen to me..gets tired so often..maybe I'm lazy that's whay*LOL*..maa..I'll stop here for now..feel like playing ryl. Jya ne!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Yo~No lessons for 2moths*taku*. Watched 12 kingdom again...now I understand the story more clearly. A girl called Yoko was actually borned in the world of 12 kingdom..but got spirited away and ended up in Japan. So a kirin called Keiki came to Japan to look for her and acknowledge her as the queen of Kei.Hmm..a cool story but a little sad..cuz one of her friends who follow her to the other world died. Shikashi the story still has comedy side..En-o (king of En Kingdom) and Enki (kirin)*lol* He is the only king who has a sense of humor and so easy-going that Enki called him by his name:Shoryu*haha*. Normally kirin address the king or queen as shujuu (master)..maa Shoryu is good king anyway, or En Kingdom wouldn't last for 500 years...yup..kings and kirins are immortal..unless the king/queen looses way, they can live forever.Hmm..if the ruler looses his way, his kirin will get sick and die..the king won't live for long. When kirins die, they have no bodies..it will be eaten by their shireis..yup kirins have their monsters. They capture them so they are protected. The shireis will only listen to their masters..they cannot defy orders, juz like kirins cannot defy their masters' orders, no matter how bad they are. And, kirins are holy creatures, they signified purity..so that's why they get weak at the sight of blood even if it is their own. Kirins have to complete the heaven's mission which is to find a king for the kingdom..they are haughty and they only bow to their masters. They know it is the king or queen based on their feelings. It is that irresistable kind..I think that is the sign that heaven gives.
Maa..interesting story..I would say adventures, a little bit of sadness and mystery mixed together. Suteki desu!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Konichiwa~~juz now cleaned hamsters' cages*lol*they are so cuteeee!!! I put them in tissue box and they started to bite and trying to climb out*haha* let them do a bit of exercise..or they keep growing fatter. When I put them inside the cages..they started running around, make noise when disturbed*lols* so hyper desu! Well, they like clean cages...after settling down, they will squeeze together and sleep*kawaii yo!*hmmm..then, I play ryl again...*taku* I always get staff when I pick up equipment..and it is always 2 or 3 times..dunno why..wahaha. Maa..I'm going to search for pics of Saiyuki..do a wallpaper or what...use photoshop to do it fun yo~
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Domo~today I went to kinokuniya to buy Potato and Wink up*lols* Every month on the 25th or so, these magazines will be arriving from Japan. But worth it yo...cuz got my favourite duet: Tackey & Tsubasa!! Haiz..as usual both are so kakkoii desu! Demo Tsubasa's hair is longer now..but I think it is kawaii yo^o^Maybe he didn't spike up his hair*lols* I can still remember the first time he cut his hair until so short, that I went HUH??? Is that him??!!! Really, his techno hair..you know? All spike up..wahaha but after getting used to it, I realized he look more man...even Tackey also said that*LOL* waaa...I still feel they need to put on a few more pounds..look so skinny yo....I hope they don't overwork themselves...please EAT MORE!!!T_T maa..I really wish their upcoming album will top the Orichorn chart...ganbatte ne!
Iyaa, I accidentally deleted a few of my entries yo*cries*well, can't be help..sad..nevermind da yo...play ryl..yes! going to lvl 40!!!Jya..I'll stop here for now...Ittekimasu~
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Yo~ today was a great day ne...hmm...I follow my sis to my cousin's friend house to cut hair...haha I cut earlier in the month. We reached there and saw my cousin already at her house dying hair..haha she was busy yo, so waited outside for her to open the door. My cousin say we look like we were being put behind bars*rofl*...ya and we talk rubbish and luff the whole morning. Yup, my cous's friend is hontou ni funny*wahaha* and my aunt also came too. I like her cutting hairstyle ne...nice and hip^o^After that, we went to the coffee near my cous's house. There got lots of stuff...but all vegetarian.not bad I like their spaghetti, baked pasta, baked rice and laksa...haha..we orderd a few to share....demo...their services are not that good..and can say they are a bit "blur"..but I'll still go there...cuz the food is nice*lols*...Ahh...have to buy hamster food..we're running out...they are such big eaters*lols* as long as it is foood, they eat it..dakara we are careful not to give them eat any food that is bad for their health..like bread which is like their favourite food...dotzzzzzz....
Monday, October 23, 2006
Konbanwa~today, I went to school to discuss our project...then go home and do a bit more..got tired and started to play with photoshop*lols* now still amateur..haiz...wait till I get to know how to use photoshop, I will be able to create new blogskin*wahaha*..the current blogskin i used nacromedia fireworks to do it..hmmm...not that good yo..haha I juz meddle here and there, and I get this results*lols*..oh yah..I met my good friend, Michelle in school juz now..I was so happy yo..maa, I hope to meet some of my sec school in Tp someday, somehow, somewhere...
Sunday, October 22, 2006

I want Inuyasha anime to continue*cries* manga has already gone this far.....dunno if anime really do continue.................I want to see them in ACTION!!!
I want faint>.<
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Domo~juz came back from my aunt's house. Late morning, we went to Quality Hotel to eat a vegeterian buffet. Not so bad...my favourite is the souffle..u know, the cripsy bread on top of a bow and there is like soup inside..hmm..there is also satay..and i get to eat potato*lol* it is one of the dish that I can't miss..and there is sushie, mango pudding, handmade cookie, salad..lots of food. After that, we went to her house but I have to do my ppt slides*cries* but later i play games with my cousins..and I'm looking forward to 1am to watch D.N Angel and Saiyuki reload..wahaha..such a good day for me xD
Friday, October 20, 2006
Domo~ yaha! Tackey & Tsubasa's new album is out in Nov!! title is Two you Four you..lols the third album in 4 years...rest are singles. Can't wait for the day to come*squirming around* xDAnyway, tomorrow my aunt is taking us to eat vegeterian buffet..wahaha cuz her birthday is coming up...but i have to do my presentation*cries*branding building is giving me a headache*taku*. Maa, going to do research, wish me luck*lols* jya ne.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Domo~now playing ryl...haiz..lvl 30 only....can't play much cuz its lagging like crazy. I think the fun part is when u pick up items*lol* then sell them off to get gold. If lucky, you get to pick up your own class equipment..then u no need spend gold to but it..and they can be quite expensive. Hmmm..maybe I will be a priest in the next character*muahaha*
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Konichiwa~iyaa, now can relax yo. After days of preparation for presentation, today is the presentation day. Maa, I've done not so well, cuz ya know, i don't really understand*taku*..made my head spinning around@_+ but, my burdan is being lifted*muahaha*Bought Saiyuki reload, cuz this anime is funny and silly at the same time. Can luff until stomach ache..*ROFL*Now I learn new words from Goku:harahetta, harahetta...ooo meshi meshi meshi......
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Domo~I just finish playing ryl...now lvl 25..muahaha..*baka mp*fight once, rest once..oh yah remind me of a joke really...I watch 12 kingdom, and then Enki(kirin).aka. Rokuta was given a name by the King...a name between a horse(ba) and a deer(ka)..so he is call baka*ROFL* feel better after feeling tummy sickness...haiz..need to save money for this coming month japanese magazines...and there is a Tackey & Tsubasa new album coming up in fall...waaaa..bliss....just thinking of Tackey's handsom face makes my knees go weak..wahaha and Tsubasa kawaii face!! Ne..Tsubasa's birthday is coming up...wonder what will Tackey give? Last year he gave him a 24-inch plasma tv!!!wahaha lucky guy..Tackey's spoiling Tsubasa!! Maa, I'm going to watch tv yo..jya ne
Monday, October 09, 2006
Haha...today's presentation went quite smoothly. Then after that, come back and wash hamster cages. So cute la my hamsters xD. I put the babies inside the tissue box, while the Kiki is put into taller box..(she will climb out of the tissue box anyway). The babies keep scratching box..wahaha..sometimes, it is funny to watch what the babies are doing...then we bath them...they are scared of water, so we wet our hands and clean them...then after cleaning all the cages..it was already 2+pm..then I play 'risk your life'..now lvl 19.....ok la...good thing is when a character dies, he or she will not loose exp..hahaha...but the things damn ex la..zzzz..kk...I'm signing out..have a nice day! Jya ne...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Haiz...now playing a new game call risk your life. Ok la..like maple...except you can choose your class when you create your character. But one bad thing...sometimes when I log in, it will say game hack detected or something like that..then I can't play!!!*taku* what like problem is this????zzzzzzz..I'm still trying to get use of the controls...even now, I can't see how much my hp n mp is left*whahaha*..*faint*haiz..nervermind, lets try again............................
Friday, October 06, 2006
Now listening to: Fukisusabu Kazo no Naka de..(2nd Saiyuki Reload ending)Konichiwa~I'm doing powerpoint presentation on Brand Building Strategies...*taku* so difficult yo. I did it until @_@!!! What's the different crafting narratives and represnting narratives?? maa..my nightmare is juz starting...hmm..what will be my break?? Watching 12 kingdom sounds nice...definitely suteki desu!!
Maa, the more I see my blogskin, the more I like it..wahaha..must be pround of my work yo!! Kies...watching 12 kingdom time...jya ne^^;
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Konbanwa~juz finish watching Saiyuki part 8*zzzzzzzzzz* haiz..the episodes are all scattered yo. Some don't even have the coming episodes*dotz* Makes me want to buy the vcds, but they did not sell! @#$%^#@! Maa...can't be help. Hmm...I find quite a lot of similarities between Sanzo & Sesshoumaru ne. Both are cold-hearted and they have the 'who cares' attitude if problems do not affect them directly. Both are stubborn and seek perfections.*ROFL* and they hate it when members of their groups start getting noisy...well except for little Rin, which seems to be Sesshoumaru's soft spot. xD Sanzo? Nah..doesn't even care if one of his group members went missing. buahahha...he'll juz say "let's go. It's his business that he wants to go."oh and yah, if Jaken keep shooting his mouth off, he will receive an orbacark from Sesshoumaru*ROFL*, while Sanzo will shoot his gun at them. Goku and Gojyo will start shouting "KOWAII!", and "Stop shooting with that dangerous gun of yours!" wahahaha.
Demo...Sesshoumaru is more calm and collective. He hardly got any expression on his face, and he is more powerful and strong, and will protect Rin*so sweet!* Yup, I prefer Sesshoumaru sama cuz he is such a mysterious demon..maa..that's all for now..jya ne
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Ha ha..this is my second blog. The first one is actually dedicated to Tackey & Tsubasa! xD...well this blog is my online diary, see if got time to post la...most of the time, I am doing projects, projectsss...zzzzzzzzzzzz. But I enjoy them anyway, wahahaha.. must enjoy even though projects maybe tough..cuz this is my dream course, apparal design & merchandise.Maa, must continue to work hard..so jya ne^^